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Search Results for: Broadband Dielectric Mirrors (159)

Stemmed Mirrors

Mounting flat mirrors by their edges in a kinematic mount imparts stress onto the mirror surface. This results in distortion and reduced quality of the reflected wavefront, which is especially noticeable when using high-quality mirrors. Stemmed mirrors, on the other hand, are mounted from a smaller diameter “stem” protruding from the back of the mirror, resulting in significantly reduced stress on the mirror surface, high stability, and cost reduction and can be used as a replacement for a more expensive and complex kinematic mount and a conventional mirror.

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Optical Mirrors Review

Mirrors are commonly used to fold or compact an optical system.

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Ultrafast Highly-Dispersive Mirrors

Pulse Compression and Dispersion Compensation for Ultrafast Lasers

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Schwarz Mirrors

Schwarz Mirrors eliminate stray light using black, engineered fused silica substrates that maintain desired characteristics while absorbing unwanted light.

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Dielectric Coating

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High Reflectivity Mirrors for Laser Applications

The industry standard method for quantifying reflectivity does not tell the whole story

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How do I clean my mirrors?

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How do you measure the reflectivity of mirrors with a reflectivity less than 99.5%?

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Highly-Dispersive Ultrafast Mirrors for Dispersion Compensation

Learn how Highly-Dispersive Mirrors compensate for dispersion and compress pulse duration in ultrafast laser systems, which is critical for maximizing performance.

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How are your Off-Axis Parabolic Metal Mirrors manufactured?

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Why do ultrafast highly-dispersive mirrors have such low angles of incidence (AOIs)?

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Schwarz Mirrors minimize unwanted stray light using an opaque, engineered fused silica substrate that absorbs light that would otherwise be transmitted.

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If CRDS is more accurate, why isn’t CRDS always used to measure the reflectivity of mirrors?

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I would like to use your Off-Axis Mirror in a laser application with high temperatures. What is the maximum damage threshold and temperature limit these mirrors can withstand?

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High Reflectivity Mirrors for Laser Applications

Edmund Optics' panel of laser optics experts discuss why the industry standard of measuring transmission to infer the reflectivity of high reflectivity laser mirrors doesn’t tell the whole story.

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Highly-Dispersive Mirrors

Ultrafast highly-dispersive mirrors are critical for pulse compression and dispersion compensation in ultrafast laser applications, improving system performance.

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Optotune Beam Steering Mirrors Demonstration Video

Optotune Beam Steering Mirrors Demonstration Video

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What is the difference between ¼ wave, 1/10 wave, and 1/20 wave mirrors?

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TECHSPEC® Nd:YAG Laser Line Mirrors

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Introduction to Adaptive Optics and Deformable Mirrors

Have a question about adaptive optics or deformable mirrors? Learn more on understanding wavefronts, adaptive optics theory, and more at Edmund Optics.

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Roughness of Diamond Turned Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors

Learn about spatial frequency errors and surface roughness of Single Point Diamond Turned off-axis parabolic mirrors at Edmund Optics.

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Handling and Storing High Power Laser Mirrors

Check out these best practices for handling and storing high power laser mirrors to decrease the risk of damage and increase lifetimes at Edmund Optics.

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What are supermirrors?

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Metallic Mirror Coatings

Want to learn more about metallic mirror coatings? Find information about standard and custom metallic mirror coatings that are available at Edmund Optics.

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Single Point Diamond Turning: Edmund Optics Build-to-Print Manufacturing

Edmund Optics utilizes Diamond Turning to produce a wide range of high precision optical components.

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What is the difference between Protected Aluminum, Enhanced Aluminum, UV Enhanced Aluminum, Protected Gold, and Protected Silver?

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Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive, high-resolution optical imaging technology that creates cross-sectional images from interference signals

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When you say a beamsplitter has __% transmission and __% reflection, is that across the entire spectrum?

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Semiconductor Supermirrors

Semiconductor supermirrors offer high reflectivity and outperform many IR mirrors on the market. Learn more about these new supermirrors at Edmund Optics.

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Highly Reflective Coatings

Highly reflective (HR) coatings are applied to optical components to minimize losses when reflecting lasers and other light sources.

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